API Reference
The KnockoffFilter
- class knockpy.knockoff_filter.KnockoffFilter(fstat='lasso', ksampler='gaussian', fstat_kwargs={}, knockoff_kwargs={})[source]
Performs knockoff-based inference, from start to finish.
This wraps both the
classes.- Parameters
- fstatstr or knockpy.knockoff_stats.FeatureStatistic
The feature statistic to use in the knockoff filter. Defaults to a lasso statistic. This may also be a string identifier, including:
‘lasso’ or ‘lcd’: cross-validated lasso coefficients differences
‘mlr’: the masked likelihood ratio (MLR) statistic, which has provable optimality properties for knockoffs
‘lsm’: signed maximum of the lasso path statistic as in Barber and Candes 2015
‘dlasso’: Cross-validated debiased lasso coefficients
‘ridge’: Cross validated ridge coefficients
‘ols’: Ordinary least squares coefficients
‘margcorr’: marginal correlations between features and response
‘deeppink’: The deepPINK statistic as in Lu et al. 2018
‘mlrspline’ or ‘spline’: The MLR statistic applied to regression spline basis functions.
‘randomforest’: A random forest with swap importances
Note that when using FX knockoffs, the lcd statistic does not use cross-valdilidation and sets
alphas = sigma2 * sqrt(log(p) / n).
- ksamplerstr or knockpy.knockoffs.KnockoffSampler
The knockoff sampler to use in the knockoff filter. This may also be a string identifier, including:
‘gaussian’: Gaussian Model-X knockoffs
‘fx’: Fixed-X knockoffs.
‘metro’: Generic metropolized knockoff sampler
‘artk’: t-tailed Markov chain.
‘blockt’: Blocks of t-distributed
‘gibbs_grid’: Discrete gibbs grid
An alternative to specifying the ksampler is to simply pass in a knockoff matrix during the
call.- fstat_kwargsdict
Kwargs to pass to the feature statistic
function, excluding the required arguments, defaults to {}- knockoff_kwargsdict
Kwargs for instantiating the knockoff sampler argument if the ksampler argument is a string identifier. This can be the empt dict for some identifiers such as “gaussian” or “fx”, but additional keyword arguments are required for complex samplers such as the “metro” identifier. Defaults to {}
Here we fit the KnockoffFilter on fake data from a Gaussian linear model:
# Fake data-generating process for Gaussian linear model import knockpy as kpy dgprocess = kpy.dgp.DGP() dgprocess.sample_data(n=500, p=500, sparsity=0.1) # LCD statistic with Gaussian MX knockoffs # This uses LedoitWolf covariance estimation by default. from knockpy.knockoff_filter import KnockoffFilter kfilter = KnockoffFilter( fstat='lcd', ksampler='gaussian', knockoff_kwargs={"method":"mvr"}, ) rejections = kfilter.forward(X=dgprocess.X, y=dgprocess.y)
- Attributes
- fstatknockpy.knockoff_stats.FeatureStatistic
The feature statistics to use for inference. This inherits from
.- ksamplerknockpy.knockoffs.KnockoffSampler
The knockoff sampler to use during inference. This eventually inherits from
.- fstat_kwargsdict
Dictionary of kwargs to pass to the
call ofself.fstat
.- knockoff_kwargsdict
is not yet initialized, kwargs to pass toksampler
.- Znp.ndarray
-dimsional array of feature and knockoff importances. The first p coordinates correspond to features, the last p correspond to knockoffs.- Wnp.ndarray
an array of feature statistics. This is
-dimensional for regular knockoffs and(num_groups,)
-dimensional for group knockoffs.- Snp.ndarray
(p, p)
-shaped knockoff S-matrix used to generate knockoffs.- Xnp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped design matrix- Xknp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped matrix of knockoffs- groupsnp.ndarray
For group knockoffs, a p-length array of integers from 1 to num_groups such that
groups[j] == i
indicates that variable j is a member of group i. Defaults to None (regular knockoffs).- rejectionsnp.ndarray
-shaped boolean array where rejections[j] == 1 iff the the knockoff filter rejects the jth feature.- Gnp.ndarray
(2p, 2p)
-shaped feature-knockoff covariance matrix- thresholdfloat
the knockoff data-dependent threshold used to select variables
(X, y[, Xk, mu, Sigma, groups, fdr, ...])Runs the knockoff filter; returns whether each feature was rejected.
(W, fdr)" Calculate data dependent threshhold and selections
Samples knockoffs during
([max_rank])Visualizes the knockoff filter.
- forward(X, y, Xk=None, mu=None, Sigma=None, groups=None, fdr=0.1, fstat_kwargs={}, knockoff_kwargs={}, shrinkage='ledoitwolf', num_factors=None, recycle_up_to=None)[source]
Runs the knockoff filter; returns whether each feature was rejected.
- Parameters
- Xnp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped design matrix- ynp.ndarray
-shaped response vector- Xknp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped knockoff matrix. IfNone
, this will construct knockoffs usingself.ksampler
.- munp.ndarray
(p, )
-shaped mean of the features. IfNone
, this defaults to the empirical mean of the features.- Sigmanp.ndarray
(p, p)
-shaped covariance matrix of the features. IfNone
, this is estimated using theshrinkage
option. This is ignored for fixed-X knockoffs.- groupsnp.ndarray
For group knockoffs, a p-length array of integers from 1 to num_groups such that
groups[j] == i
indicates that variable j is a member of group i. Defaults toNone
(regular knockoffs).- fdrfloat
The desired level of false discovery rate control.
- fstat_kwargsdict
Extra kwargs to pass to the feature statistic
function, excluding the required arguments.- knockoff_kwargsdict
Extra kwargs for instantiating the knockoff sampler argument if the ksampler argument is a string identifier. This can be the empty dict for some identifiers such as “gaussian” or “fx”, but additional keyword arguments are required for complex samplers such as the “metro” identifier. Defaults to {}
- shrinkagestr
Shrinkage method if estimating the covariance matrix. Defaults to “LedoitWolf.” Other options are “MLE” and “glasso” (graphical lasso).
- num_factorsint
If num_factors is not
and Sigma is estimated, assumes that the ground-truth Sigma is a factor model with ranknum_factors
to speed up computation.- recycle_up_toint or float
Three options:
, does nothing.if an integer > 1, uses the first “recycle_up_to” rows of X as the the first
rows of knockoffsif a float between 0 and 1 (inclusive), interpreted as the proportion of rows to recycle.
For more on recycling, see https://arxiv.org/abs/1602.03574
Feature Statistics
- class knockpy.knockoff_stats.DeepPinkStatistic(model=None)[source]
(features, y, cv_score[, ...])Similar to score_model, but uses cross-validated scoring if cv_score=True.
(X, Xk, y[, groups, feature_importance, ...])Wraps the FeatureStatistic class using DeepPINK to generate variable importances.
(features, y[, y_dist])Computes mean-squared error of self.model on (features, y) when y is nonbinary, and computes 1 - accuracy otherwise.
(features, y)Given a model of the features and y, calculates feature importances as follows.
(features, y[, ...])Similar to
; see http://proceedings.mlr.press/v89/gimenez19a/gimenez19a.pdf- fit(X, Xk, y, groups=None, feature_importance='deeppink', antisym='cd', group_agg='sum', cv_score=False, train_kwargs={'verbose': False}, **kwargs)[source]
Wraps the FeatureStatistic class using DeepPINK to generate variable importances.
- Parameters
- Xnp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped design matrix- Xknp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped matrix of knockoffs- ynp.ndarray
-shaped response vector- groupsnp.ndarray
For group knockoffs, a p-length array of integers from 1 to num_groups such that
groups[j] == i
indicates that variable j is a member of group i. Defaults to None (regular knockoffs).- feature_importancestr
Specifies how to create feature importances from
. Four options:“deeppink”: Use the deeppink feature importance
defined in https://arxiv.org/abs/1809.01185 - “unweighted”: Use the Z weights from the deeppink paper without weighting them using the layers from the MLP. Deeppink usually outperforms this feature importance (but not always). - “swap”: The default swap-statistic from http://proceedings.mlr.press/v89/gimenez19a/gimenez19a.pdf - “swapint”: The swap-integral defined from http://proceedings.mlr.press/v89/gimenez19a/gimenez19a.pdf
Defaults to deeppink, which is often both the most powerful and the most computationally efficient.
- antisymstr
The antisymmetric function used to create (ungrouped) feature statistics. Three options: - “CD” (Difference of absolute vals of coefficients), - “SM” (signed maximum). - “SCD” (Simple difference of coefficients - NOT recommended)
- group_aggstr
For group knockoffs, specifies how to turn individual feature statistics into grouped feature statistics. Two options: “sum” and “avg”.
- cv_scorebool
If true, score the feature statistic’s predictive accuracy using cross validation. This is extremely expensive for deeppink.
- kwargsdict
Extra kwargs to pass to underlying deeppink class (in kpytorch)
- Returns
- Wnp.ndarray
an array of feature statistics. This is
-dimensional for regular knockoffs and(num_groups,)
-dimensional for group knockoffs.
- class knockpy.knockoff_stats.FeatureStatistic(model=None)[source]
The base knockoff feature statistic class, which can wrap any generic prediction algorithm.
- Parameters
- model
An instance of a class with a “train” or “fit” method and a “predict” method.
- Attributes
- model
A (predictive) model class underlying the variable importance measures.
- indsnp.ndarray
-dimensional array of indices representing the random permutation applied to the concatenation of [X, Xk] before fittinggl.
- rev_indsnp.ndarray:
Indices which reverse the effect of
In particular, if M is any(n, 2p)
-dimensional array, then`M==M[:, inds][:, rev_inds]`
- scorefloat
A metric of the model’s performance, as defined by
.- score_typestr
One of MSE, CVMSE, accuracy, or cvaccuracy. (cv stands for cross-validated)
- Znp.ndarray
-dimsional array of feature and knockoff importances. The first p coordinates correspond to features, the last p correspond to knockoffs.- Wnp.ndarray
an array of feature statistics. This is
-dimensional for regular knockoffs and(num_groups,)
-dimensional for group knockoffs.- groupsnp.ndarray
For group knockoffs, a p-length array of integers from 1 to num_groups such that
groups[j] == i
indicates that variable j is a member of group i. Defaults to None (regular knockoffs).
(features, y, cv_score[, ...])Similar to score_model, but uses cross-validated scoring if cv_score=True.
(X, Xk, y[, groups, feature_importance, ...])Trains the model and creates feature importances.
(features, y[, y_dist])Computes mean-squared error of self.model on (features, y) when y is nonbinary, and computes 1 - accuracy otherwise.
(features, y)Given a model of the features and y, calculates feature importances as follows.
(features, y[, ...])Similar to
; see http://proceedings.mlr.press/v89/gimenez19a/gimenez19a.pdf- cv_score_model(features, y, cv_score, logistic_flag=False)[source]
Similar to score_model, but uses cross-validated scoring if cv_score=True.
- fit(X, Xk, y, groups=None, feature_importance='swap', antisym='cd', group_agg='avg', **kwargs)[source]
Trains the model and creates feature importances.
- Parameters
- Xnp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped design matrix- Xknp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped matrix of knockoffs- ynp.ndarray
-shaped response vector- groupsnp.ndarray
For group knockoffs, a p-length array of integers from 1 to num_groups such that
groups[j] == i
indicates that variable j is a member of group i. Defaults to None (regular knockoffs).- feature_importancestr
Specifies how to create feature importances from
. Two options:“swap”: The default swap-statistic from
http://proceedings.mlr.press/v89/gimenez19a/gimenez19a.pdf. These are good measures of feature importance but slightly slower. - “swapint”: The swap-integral defined from http://proceedings.mlr.press/v89/gimenez19a/gimenez19a.pdf
Defaults to ‘swap’
- antisymstr
The antisymmetric function used to create (ungrouped) feature statistics. Three options: - “CD” (Difference of absolute vals of coefficients), - “SM” (signed maximum). - “SCD” (Simple difference of coefficients - NOT recommended)
- group_aggstr
For group knockoffs, specifies how to turn individual feature statistics into grouped feature statistics. Two options: “sum” and “avg”.
- **kwargs**dict
kwargs to pass to the ‘train’ or ‘fit’ method of the model.
- Returns
- Wnp.ndarray
an array of feature statistics. This is
-dimensional for regular knockoffs and(num_groups,)
-dimensional for group knockoffs.
- score_model(features, y, y_dist=None)[source]
Computes mean-squared error of self.model on (features, y) when y is nonbinary, and computes 1 - accuracy otherwise.
- Returns
- lossfloat
Either the MSE or one minus the accuracy of the model, depending on whether y is continuous or binary.
- swap_feature_importances(features, y)[source]
Given a model of the features and y, calculates feature importances as follows.
For feature i, replace the feature with its knockoff and calculate the relative increase in the loss. Similarly, for knockoff i, replace the knockoffs with its feature and calculate the relative increase in the loss.
- Parameters
- featuresnp.ndarray
(n, 2p)
-shaped array of concatenated features and knockoffs, which must be permuted byself.inds
.- ynp.ndarray
-shaped response vector
- Returns
- Z_swapnp.ndarray
-shaped array of variable importances such that Z_swap is in the same permuted asfeatures
initially were.
- swap_path_feature_importances(features, y, step_size=0.5, max_lambda=5)[source]
Similar to
; see http://proceedings.mlr.press/v89/gimenez19a/gimenez19a.pdf
- class knockpy.knockoff_stats.LassoStatistic[source]
Lasso Statistic wrapper class
(features, y, cv_score[, ...])Similar to score_model, but uses cross-validated scoring if cv_score=True.
(X, Xk, y[, groups, zstat, antisym, ...])Wraps the FeatureStatistic class but uses cross-validated Lasso coefficients or Lasso path statistics as variable importances.
(features, y[, y_dist])Computes mean-squared error of self.model on (features, y) when y is nonbinary, and computes 1 - accuracy otherwise.
(features, y)Given a model of the features and y, calculates feature importances as follows.
(features, y[, ...])Similar to
; see http://proceedings.mlr.press/v89/gimenez19a/gimenez19a.pdf- fit(X, Xk, y, groups=None, zstat='coef', antisym='cd', group_agg='avg', cv_score=False, debias=False, Ginv=None, **kwargs)[source]
Wraps the FeatureStatistic class but uses cross-validated Lasso coefficients or Lasso path statistics as variable importances.
- Parameters
- Xnp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped design matrix- Xknp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped matrix of knockoffs- ynp.ndarray
-shaped response vector- groupsnp.ndarray
For group knockoffs, a p-length array of integers from 1 to num_groups such that
groups[j] == i
indicates that variable j is a member of group i. Defaults to None (regular knockoffs).- zstatstr:
Two options for the variable importance measure: - If ‘coef’, uses to cross-validated (group) lasso coefficients. - If ‘lars_path’, uses the lambda value where each feature/knockoff enters the lasso path (meaning becomes nonzero). This defaults to coef.
- antisymstr
The antisymmetric function used to create (ungrouped) feature statistics. Three options: - “CD” (Difference of absolute vals of coefficients), - “SM” (signed maximum). - “SCD” (Simple difference of coefficients - NOT recommended)
- group_aggstr
For group knockoffs, specifies how to turn individual feature statistics into grouped feature statistics. Two options: “sum” and “avg”.
- cv_scorebool
If true, score the feature statistic’s predictive accuracy using cross validation.
- debiasbool:
If true, debias the lasso. See https://arxiv.org/abs/1508.02757
- Ginvnp.ndarray
(2p, 2p)
-shaped precision matrix for the feature-knockoff covariate distribution. This must be specified ifdebias=True
.- kwargsdict
Extra kwargs to pass to underlying Lasso classes.
- Returns
- Wnp.ndarray
an array of feature statistics. This is
-dimensional for regular knockoffs and(num_groups,)
-dimensional for group knockoffs.
When not using the group lasso, one can specify choice(s) of regularization parameter using the
keyword argument. Otherwise, use thereg_vals
keyword argument.
- class knockpy.knockoff_stats.MargCorrStatistic[source]
Lasso Statistic wrapper class
(features, y, cv_score[, ...])Similar to score_model, but uses cross-validated scoring if cv_score=True.
(X, Xk, y[, groups])Wraps the FeatureStatistic class using marginal correlations between X, Xk and y as variable importances.
(features, y[, y_dist])Computes mean-squared error of self.model on (features, y) when y is nonbinary, and computes 1 - accuracy otherwise.
(features, y)Given a model of the features and y, calculates feature importances as follows.
(features, y[, ...])Similar to
; see http://proceedings.mlr.press/v89/gimenez19a/gimenez19a.pdf- fit(X, Xk, y, groups=None, **kwargs)[source]
Wraps the FeatureStatistic class using marginal correlations between X, Xk and y as variable importances.
- Parameters
- Xnp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped design matrix- Xknp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped matrix of knockoffs- ynp.ndarray
-shaped response vector- groupsnp.ndarray
For group knockoffs, a p-length array of integers from 1 to num_groups such that
groups[j] == i
indicates that variable j is a member of group i. Defaults to None (regular knockoffs).- kwargsdict
Extra kwargs to pass to underlying
- Returns
- Wnp.ndarray
an array of feature statistics. This is
-dimensional for regular knockoffs and(num_groups,)
-dimensional for group knockoffs.
- class knockpy.knockoff_stats.OLSStatistic[source]
Lasso Statistic wrapper class
(features, y, cv_score[, ...])Similar to score_model, but uses cross-validated scoring if cv_score=True.
(X, Xk, y[, groups, cv_score])Wraps the FeatureStatistic class with OLS coefs as variable importances.
(features, y[, y_dist])Computes mean-squared error of self.model on (features, y) when y is nonbinary, and computes 1 - accuracy otherwise.
(features, y)Given a model of the features and y, calculates feature importances as follows.
(features, y[, ...])Similar to
; see http://proceedings.mlr.press/v89/gimenez19a/gimenez19a.pdf- fit(X, Xk, y, groups=None, cv_score=False, **kwargs)[source]
Wraps the FeatureStatistic class with OLS coefs as variable importances.
- Parameters
- Xnp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped design matrix- Xknp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped matrix of knockoffs- ynp.ndarray
-shaped response vector- groupsnp.ndarray
For group knockoffs, a p-length array of integers from 1 to num_groups such that
groups[j] == i
indicates that variable j is a member of group i. Defaults to None (regular knockoffs).- cv_scorebool
If true, score the feature statistic’s predictive accuracy using cross validation.
- kwargsdict
Extra kwargs to pass to
- Returns
- Wnp.ndarray
an array of feature statistics. This is
-dimensional for regular knockoffs and(num_groups,)
-dimensional for group knockoffs.
- class knockpy.knockoff_stats.RandomForestStatistic(model=None)[source]
(features, y, cv_score[, ...])Similar to score_model, but uses cross-validated scoring if cv_score=True.
(X, Xk, y[, groups, feature_importance, ...])Wraps the FeatureStatistic class using a Random Forest to generate variable importances.
(features, y[, y_dist])Computes mean-squared error of self.model on (features, y) when y is nonbinary, and computes 1 - accuracy otherwise.
(features, y)Given a model of the features and y, calculates feature importances as follows.
(features, y[, ...])Similar to
; see http://proceedings.mlr.press/v89/gimenez19a/gimenez19a.pdf- fit(X, Xk, y, groups=None, feature_importance='swap', antisym='cd', group_agg='sum', cv_score=False, **kwargs)[source]
Wraps the FeatureStatistic class using a Random Forest to generate variable importances.
- Parameters
- Xnp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped design matrix- Xknp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped matrix of knockoffs- ynp.ndarray
-shaped response vector- groupsnp.ndarray
For group knockoffs, a p-length array of integers from 1 to num_groups such that
groups[j] == i
indicates that variable j is a member of group i. Defaults to None (regular knockoffs).- feature_importancestr
Specifies how to create feature importances from
. Three options:“sklearn”: Use sklearn feature importances. These
are very poor measures of feature importance, but very fast. - “swap”: The default swap-statistic from http://proceedings.mlr.press/v89/gimenez19a/gimenez19a.pdf. These are good measures of feature importance but slightly slower. - “swapint”: The swap-integral defined from http://proceedings.mlr.press/v89/gimenez19a/gimenez19a.pdf
Defaults to ‘swap’
- antisymstr
The antisymmetric function used to create (ungrouped) feature statistics. Three options: - “CD” (Difference of absolute vals of coefficients), - “SM” (signed maximum). - “SCD” (Simple difference of coefficients - NOT recommended)
- group_aggstr
For group knockoffs, specifies how to turn individual feature statistics into grouped feature statistics. Two options: “sum” and “avg”.
- cv_scorebool
If true, score the feature statistic’s predictive accuracy using cross validation. This is extremely expensive for random forests.
- kwargsdict
Extra kwargs to pass to underlying RandomForest class
- Returns
- Wnp.ndarray
an array of feature statistics. This is
-dimensional for regular knockoffs and(num_groups,)
-dimensional for group knockoffs.
- class knockpy.knockoff_stats.RidgeStatistic[source]
Ridge statistic wrapper class
(features, y, cv_score[, ...])Similar to score_model, but uses cross-validated scoring if cv_score=True.
(X, Xk, y[, groups, antisym, group_agg, ...])Wraps the FeatureStatistic class but uses cross-validated Ridge coefficients as variable importances.
(features, y[, y_dist])Computes mean-squared error of self.model on (features, y) when y is nonbinary, and computes 1 - accuracy otherwise.
(features, y)Given a model of the features and y, calculates feature importances as follows.
(features, y[, ...])Similar to
; see http://proceedings.mlr.press/v89/gimenez19a/gimenez19a.pdf- fit(X, Xk, y, groups=None, antisym='cd', group_agg='avg', cv_score=False, **kwargs)[source]
Wraps the FeatureStatistic class but uses cross-validated Ridge coefficients as variable importances.
- Parameters
- Xnp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped design matrix- Xknp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped matrix of knockoffs- ynp.ndarray
-shaped response vector- groupsnp.ndarray
For group knockoffs, a p-length array of integers from 1 to num_groups such that
groups[j] == i
indicates that variable j is a member of group i. Defaults to None (regular knockoffs).- antisymstr
The antisymmetric function used to create (ungrouped) feature statistics. Three options: - “CD” (Difference of absolute vals of coefficients), - “SM” (signed maximum). - “SCD” (Simple difference of coefficients - NOT recommended)
- group_aggstr
For group knockoffs, specifies how to turn individual feature statistics into grouped feature statistics. Two options: “sum” and “avg”.
- cv_scorebool
If true, score the feature statistic’s predictive accuracy using cross validation.
- kwargsdict
Extra kwargs to pass to underlying Lasso classes
- Returns
- Wnp.ndarray
an array of feature statistics. This is
-dimensional for regular knockoffs and(num_groups,)
-dimensional for group knockoffs.
- knockpy.knockoff_stats.calc_lars_path(X, Xk, y, groups=None, **kwargs)[source]
Calculates locations at which X/knockoffs enter lasso model when regressed on y.
- Parameters
- Xnp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped design matrix- Xknp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped matrix of knockoffs- ynp.ndarray
-shaped response vector- groupsnp.ndarray
For group knockoffs, a p-length array of integers from 1 to num_groups such that
groups[j] == i
indicates that variable j is a member of group i. Defaults to None (regular knockoffs).- **kwargs
kwargs for
- Returns
- Znp.ndarray
-shaped array indicating the lasso path statistic for each variable. (This means the maximum lambda such that the lasso coefficient on variable j is nonzero.)
- knockpy.knockoff_stats.combine_Z_stats(Z, groups=None, antisym='cd', group_agg='sum')[source]
Given Z scores (variable importances), returns (grouped) feature statistics
- Parameters
- Znp.ndarray
-shaped numpy array of Z-statistics. The first p values correspond to true features, and the last p correspond to knockoffs (in the same order as the true features).- groupsnp.ndarray
For group knockoffs, a p-length array of integers from 1 to num_groups such that
groups[j] == i
indicates that variable j is a member of group i. Defaults to None (regular knockoffs).- antisymstr
The antisymmetric function used to create (ungrouped) feature statistics. Three options: - “CD” (Difference of absolute vals of coefficients), - “SM” (signed maximum). - “SCD” (Simple difference of coefficients - NOT recommended)
- group_aggstr
For group knockoffs, specifies how to turn individual feature statistics into grouped feature statistics. Two options: “sum” and “avg”.
- Returns
- Wnp.ndarray
an array of feature statistics. This is
-dimensional for regular knockoffs and(num_groups,)
-dimensional for group knockoffs.
- knockpy.knockoff_stats.compute_residual_variance(X, Xk, y)[source]
Estimates sigma2 using residual variance of y given [X, Xk]. Uses a penalized linear model if n < 2p + 10 or p >= 1500 (for efficiency).
- Returns
- sigma2float
Estimated residual variance
- knockpy.knockoff_stats.data_dependent_threshhold(W, fdr=0.1, offset=1)[source]
Calculate data-dependent threshhold given W statistics.
- Parameters
- Wnp.ndarray
p-length numpy array of feature statistics OR (p, batch_length) shaped array.
- fdrfloat
desired level of false discovery rate control
- offsetint
If offset = 0, control the modified FDR. If offset = 1 (default), controls the FDR exactly.
- Returns
- Tfloat or np.ndarray
The data-dependent threshhold. Either a float or a (batch_length,) dimensional array.
- knockpy.knockoff_stats.fit_lasso(X, Xk, y, y_dist=None, alphas=None, use_lars=False, **kwargs)[source]
Fits cross-validated lasso on [X, Xk] and y.
- Parameters
- Xnp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped design matrix.- Xknp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped matrix of knockoffs- ynp.ndarray
-shaped response vector- y_diststr
One of “binomial” or “gaussian”
- alphasfloat
The regularization parameter(s) to try. Selects one alpha using cross-validation by default.
- use_larsbool
If True, uses a LARS-based solver for Gaussian data. If False, uses a gradient based solver (default).
- **kwargs
kwargs for sklearn model.
- Returns
- glsklearn Lasso/LassoCV/LassoLarsCV/LogisticRegressionCV object
The sklearn model fit through cross-validation.
- indsnp.ndarray
-dimensional array of indices representing the random permutation applied to the concatenation of [X, Xk] before fittinggl.
- rev_indsnp.ndarray:
Indices which reverse the effect of
In particular, if M is any(n, 2p)
-dimensional array, then`M==M[:, inds][:, rev_inds]`
To avoid FDR control violations, this randomly permutes the features before fitting the lasso.
- knockpy.knockoff_stats.fit_ridge(X, Xk, y, y_dist=None, **kwargs)[source]
Fits cross-validated ridge on [X, Xk] and y.
- Parameters
- Xnp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped design matrix- Xknp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped matrix of knockoffs- ynp.ndarray
-shaped response vector- y_diststr
One of “binomial” or “gaussian”
- **kwargs
kwargs for sklearn model.
- Returns
- glsklearn.linear_model.RidgeCV/LogisticRegressionCV
The sklearn model fit through cross-validation.
- indsnp.ndarray
-dimensional array of indices representing the random permutation applied to the concatenation of [X, Xk] before fittinggl.
- rev_indsnp.ndarray:
Indices which reverse the effect of
In particular, if M is any(n, 2p)
-dimensional array, then`M==M[:, inds][:, rev_inds]`
To avoid FDR control violations, this randomly permutes the features before fitting the ridge.
Gaussian and Fixed-X Knockoff Samplers
- class knockpy.knockoffs.FXSampler(X, groups=None, sample_tol=1e-05, S=None, method=None, verbose=False, **kwargs)[source]
Samples FX knockoffs. See the GaussianSampler documentation for description of the arguments.
(Sigma, S)Checks that the feature-knockoff cov matrix is PSD.
(X, Xk[, testname, alpha])Runs a variety of KS tests on X and Xk to (informally) check that Xk are valid knockoffs for X.
()Rescales S to the same scale as the initial X input
(sample1s, sample2s)Samples1s, Sample2s = list of arrays Gets p values by running ks tests and then does a multiple testing correction.
([check_psd])Samples knockoffs.
- class knockpy.knockoffs.GaussianSampler(X, mu=None, Sigma=None, invSigma=None, groups=None, sample_tol=1e-05, S=None, method=None, verbose=False, **kwargs)[source]
Samples MX Gaussian (group) knockoffs.
- Parameters
- Xnp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped design- munp.ndarray
(p, )
-shaped mean of the features. If None, this defaults to the empirical mean of the features.- Sigmanp.ndarray
(p, p)
-shaped covariance matrix of the features. If None, this is estimated using theutilities.estimate_covariance
function.- groupsnp.ndarray
For group knockoffs, a p-length array of integers from 1 to num_groups such that
groups[j] == i
indicates that variable j is a member of group i. Defaults to None (regular knockoffs).- Snp.ndarray
(p, p)
-shaped knockoff S-matrix used to generate knockoffs. This is defined such that Cov(X, tilde(X)) = Sigma - S. When None, will be constructed by knockoff generator. Defaults to None.- methodstr
Specifies how to construct S matrix. This will be ignored if
is not None. There are several options:‘mvr’: Minimum Variance-Based Reconstructability knockoffs.
‘mmi’: Minimizes the mutual information between X and the knockoffs.
‘ci’: Conditional independence knockoffs.
‘sdp’: minimize the mean absolute covariance (MAC) between the features
and the knockoffs. - ‘equicorrelated’: Minimizes the MAC under the constraint that the the correlation between each feature and its knockoff is the same.
The default is to use mvr for non-group knockoffs, and to use the group-SDP for grouped knockoffs (the implementation for group mvr knockoffs is currently fairly slow). In both cases we use a block-diagonal approximation if the number if features is greater than 1000.
- objectivestr
How to optimize the S matrix if using the SDP for group knockoffs. There are several options:
‘abs’: minimize sum(abs(Sigma - S))
between groups and the group knockoffs. - ‘pnorm’: minimize Lp-th matrix norm. Equivalent to abs when p = 1. - ‘norm’: minimize different type of matrix norm (see norm_type below).
- sample_tolfloat
Minimum eigenvalue allowed for feature-knockoff covariance matrix. Keep this small but nonzero (1e-5) to prevent numerical errors.
- verbosebool
If True, prints progress over time
- rec_propfloat
The proportion of knockoffs to recycle (see Barber and Candes 2018, https://arxiv.org/abs/1602.03574). If method = ‘mvr’, then S_generation takes this into account and should increase the power of recycled knockoffs. sparsely-correlated, high-dimensional settings.
- kwargsdict
Other kwargs for S-matrix solvers.
(Sigma, S)Checks that the feature-knockoff cov matrix is PSD.
(X, Xk[, testname, alpha])Runs a variety of KS tests on X and Xk to (informally) check that Xk are valid knockoffs for X.
()Fetches knockoff S-matrix.
(sample1s, sample2s)Samples1s, Sample2s = list of arrays Gets p values by running ks tests and then does a multiple testing correction.
([check_psd])Samples knockoffs.
- class knockpy.knockoffs.KnockoffSampler[source]
Base class for sampling knockoffs.
(Sigma, S)Checks that the feature-knockoff cov matrix is PSD.
(X, Xk[, testname, alpha])Runs a variety of KS tests on X and Xk to (informally) check that Xk are valid knockoffs for X.
()Fetches knockoff S-matrix.
(sample1s, sample2s)Samples1s, Sample2s = list of arrays Gets p values by running ks tests and then does a multiple testing correction.
- check_PSD_condition(Sigma, S)[source]
Checks that the feature-knockoff cov matrix is PSD.
- Parameters
- Sigmanp.ndarray
(p, p)
-shaped covariance matrix of the features. If None, this is estimated using theshrinkage
option. This is ignored for fixed-X knockoffs.- Snp.ndarray
(p, p)
-shaped knockoff S-matrix used to generate knockoffs.
- Raises
- Raises an error if S is not PSD or 2 Sigma - S is not PSD.
- check_xk_validity(X, Xk, testname='', alpha=0.001)[source]
Runs a variety of KS tests on X and Xk to (informally) check that Xk are valid knockoffs for X. Uses the BHQ adjustment for multiple testing.
- Parameters
- Xnp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped design- Xknp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped matrix of knockoffs- testnamestr
a testname that shows up in the error
- alphafloat
The significance level. Defaults to 0.001
- knockpy.knockoffs.produce_FX_knockoffs(X, invSigma, S, copies=1)[source]
See equation (1.4) of https://arxiv.org/pdf/1404.5609.pdf
Metropolized Samplers
The metropolized knockoff sampler for an arbitrary probability density and graphical structure using covariance-guided proposals.
See https://arxiv.org/abs/1903.00434 for a description of the algorithm and proof of validity and runtime.
This code was based on initial code written by Stephen Bates in October 2019, which was released in combination with https://arxiv.org/abs/1903.00434.
- class knockpy.metro.ARTKSampler(X, Sigma, df_t, **kwargs)[source]
Samples knockoffs for autoregressive T-distributed designs. (Hence, ARTK). See https://arxiv.org/pdf/1903.00434.pdf for details.
- Parameters
- Xnp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped design matrix- Sigmanp.ndarray
(p, p)
-shaped covariance matrix of the features. The first diagonal should be the pairwise correlations which define the Markov chain.- df_tfloat
The degrees of freedom for the t-distributions.
- kwargsdict
kwargs to pass to the constructor method of the generic
([verbose, ...])Caches some of the conditional means for Xjstar | Xtemp.
(M[, active_inds])Centers an n x j matrix M.
(Sigma, S)Checks that the feature-knockoff cov matrix is PSD.
(X, Xk[, testname, alpha])Runs a variety of KS tests on X and Xk to (informally) check that Xk are valid knockoffs for X.
(x_flags, j)Computes the F function from Page 33 pf the paper: Pr(tildeXj=tildexj, Xjstar=xjstar | Xtemp, tildeX_{1:j-1}, Xjstar_{1:j-1}) Note that tildexj and xjstar are NOT inputs because they do NOT change during the junction tree DP process.
(x_flags, j[, log_q1, ...])Computes acceptance probability for variable
given a particular rejection patternx_flags
(**kwargs)Constructs the covariance-guided proposal.
()Fetches knockoff S-matrix.
(Xtemp, x_flags, j)Same as above, but uses caching to speed up computation.
(X, prev_proposals)Returns mean and variance of proposal j given X and previous proposals.
(X)Reordered likelihood function
(X, Xjstar, j)Calculates the log of the likelihood ratio between two observations: X where X[:,j] is replaced with Xjstar, divided by the likelihood of X.
(x_flags, j)Computes q1 and q2 as specified by page 33 of the paper.
(sample1s, sample2s)Samples1s, Sample2s = list of arrays Gets p values by running ks tests and then does a multiple testing correction.
(Xjstar, X, prev_proposals[, cond_mean, ...])Calculates the log-likelihood of a proposal Xjstar given X and the previous proposals. Xjstar : np.ndarray
-shaped numpy array of values to evaluate the proposal likelihood at. X : np.ndarray(n, p)
-shaped array of observed data, in the order used to sample knockoff variables. prev_proposals : np.ndarray(n, j-1)
-shaped array of previous proposals, in the order used to sample knockoff variables. If None, assumes j = 0.sample_knockoffs
([clip, cache])Samples knockoffs using the metropolized knockoff sampler.
(X, prev_proposals[, ...])Samples a continuous or discrete proposal given the design matrix and the previous proposals.
- class knockpy.metro.BlockTSampler(X, Sigma, df_t, **kwargs)[source]
(Sigma, S)Checks that the feature-knockoff cov matrix is PSD.
(X, Xk[, testname, alpha])Runs a variety of KS tests on X and Xk to (informally) check that Xk are valid knockoffs for X.
()Fetches knockoff S-matrix.
(sample1s, sample2s)Samples1s, Sample2s = list of arrays Gets p values by running ks tests and then does a multiple testing correction.
(**kwargs)Actually samples knockoffs sequentially for each block.
- class knockpy.metro.GibbsGridSampler(X, gibbs_graph, Sigma, Q=None, mu=None, max_width=6, **kwargs)[source]
Samples knockoffs for a discrete gibbs grid using the divide-and-conquer algorithm plus metropolized knockoff sampling.
- Parameters
- Xnp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped design matrix- gibbs_graphnp.ndarray
(p, p)
-shaped matrix specifying the distribution of the gibbs grid: seeknockpy.dgp.sample_gibbs
. This must correspond to a grid-like undirected graphical model.- Sigmanp.ndarray
(p, p)
-shaped estimated covariance matrix of the data.- max_widthint
The maximum treewidth to allow in the divide-and-conquer algorithm.
Unlike the attributes of a
class, the attributes of aBlockTSampler
class are stored in the same order that the design matrix is initially passed in. E.g.,self.Xk
corresponds withself.X
(Sigma, S)Checks that the feature-knockoff cov matrix is PSD.
(X, Xk[, testname, alpha])Runs a variety of KS tests on X and Xk to (informally) check that Xk are valid knockoffs for X.
because the divide-and-conquer approach means there is no one S-matrix.many_ks_tests
(sample1s, sample2s)Samples1s, Sample2s = list of arrays Gets p values by running ks tests and then does a multiple testing correction.
(**kwargs)Samples knockoffs using divide-and-conquer approach.
- class knockpy.metro.MetropolizedKnockoffSampler(lf, X, mu=None, Sigma=None, undir_graph=None, order=None, active_frontier=None, gamma=0.999, metro_verbose=False, cliques=None, log_potentials=None, buckets=None, **kwargs)[source]
A metropolized knockoff sampler for arbitrary random variables using covariance-guided proposals.
Group knockoffs are not yet supported.
- Parameters
- lffunction
log-probability density. This function should take a
(n, p)
-shaped numpy array (n independent samples of a p-dimensional vector) and return a(n,)
shaped array of log-probabilities. This can also be supplied asNone
if cliques and log-potentials are supplied.- Xnp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped design matrix- Xknp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped matrix of knockoffs- munp.ndarray
The (estimated) mean of X. Exact FDR control is maintained even when this vector is incorrect. Defaults to the mean of X, e.g.,
.- Sigmanp.ndarray
(p, p)
-shaped covariance matrix of the features. IfNone
, this is estimated using the data using a naive method to ensure compatability with the proposals. Exact FDR control is maintained even when Sigma is incorrect.- undir_graphnp.ndarray or nx.Graph
An undirected graph specifying the conditional independence structure of the data-generating process. This must be specified if either of the
params are not specified. One of two options: - A networkx undirected graph object - A(p, p)
-shaped numpy array, where nonzero elements represent edges.- ordernp.ndarray
-length numpy array specifying the ordering to sample the variables. Should be a vector with unique entries 0,…,p-1.- active_fontierA list of lists of length p where entry j is the set of
entries > j that are in V_j. This specifies the conditional independence structure of the distribution given by lf. See page 34 of the paper.
- gammafloat
A tuning parameter to increase / decrease the acceptance ratio. See appendix F.2. Defaults to 0.999.
- bucketsnp.ndarray or list
A list or array of discrete values that X can take. Covariance-guided proposals will be rounded to these values. If
, Metro assumes the domain of each feature is all real numbers.- kwargsdict
kwargs to pass to the
method for sampling proposals.
All attributes of the MetropolizedKnockoffSampler are stored in the order that knockoffs are sampled, NOT the order that variables are initially passed in. For example, the
attribute will not necessarily equal theX
argument: instead,self.X = X[:, self.order]
. To reorder attributes to the initial order of theX
argument, use the syntaxself.attribute[:, self.inv_order]
.- Attributes
- ordernp.ndarray
-shaped array of indices which reordersX
into the order for sampling knockoffs.- inv_ordernp.ndarray
-shaped array of indices which takes a set of variables which have been reordered for metropolized sampling and returns them to their initial order. For example,X == X[:, self.order][:, self.inv_order]
.- Xnp.ndarray
(n, p)
design matrix reordered according to the order for sampling knockoffs- X_propnp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped array of knockoff proposals- Xknp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped array of knockoffs- acceptancesnp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped boolean array whereacceptances[i, j] == 1
indicates thatX_prop[i, j]
was accepted.- final_acc_probsnp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped array wherefinal_acc_probs[i, j]
is the acceptance probability forX_prop[i, j]
.- Sigmanp.ndarray
(p, p)
-shaped estimated covariance matrix ofX
. The class constructor guarantees this is compatible with the conditional independence structure of the data.- Snp.ndarray
(p, p)
-shaped knockoff S-matrix used to generate the covariance-guided proposals.
([verbose, ...])Caches some of the conditional means for Xjstar | Xtemp.
(M[, active_inds])Centers an n x j matrix M.
(Sigma, S)Checks that the feature-knockoff cov matrix is PSD.
(X, Xk[, testname, alpha])Runs a variety of KS tests on X and Xk to (informally) check that Xk are valid knockoffs for X.
(x_flags, j)Computes the F function from Page 33 pf the paper: Pr(tildeXj=tildexj, Xjstar=xjstar | Xtemp, tildeX_{1:j-1}, Xjstar_{1:j-1}) Note that tildexj and xjstar are NOT inputs because they do NOT change during the junction tree DP process.
(x_flags, j[, log_q1, ...])Computes acceptance probability for variable
given a particular rejection patternx_flags
(**kwargs)Constructs the covariance-guided proposal.
()Fetches knockoff S-matrix.
(Xtemp, x_flags, j)Same as above, but uses caching to speed up computation.
(X, prev_proposals)Returns mean and variance of proposal j given X and previous proposals.
(X)Reordered likelihood function
(X, Xjstar, j)Calculates the log of the likelihood ratio between two observations: X where X[:,j] is replaced with Xjstar, divided by the likelihood of X.
(x_flags, j)Computes q1 and q2 as specified by page 33 of the paper.
(sample1s, sample2s)Samples1s, Sample2s = list of arrays Gets p values by running ks tests and then does a multiple testing correction.
(Xjstar, X, prev_proposals[, cond_mean, ...])Calculates the log-likelihood of a proposal Xjstar given X and the previous proposals. Xjstar : np.ndarray
-shaped numpy array of values to evaluate the proposal likelihood at. X : np.ndarray(n, p)
-shaped array of observed data, in the order used to sample knockoff variables. prev_proposals : np.ndarray(n, j-1)
-shaped array of previous proposals, in the order used to sample knockoff variables. If None, assumes j = 0.sample_knockoffs
([clip, cache])Samples knockoffs using the metropolized knockoff sampler.
(X, prev_proposals[, ...])Samples a continuous or discrete proposal given the design matrix and the previous proposals.
- cache_conditional_proposal_params(verbose=False, expensive_cache=True)[source]
Caches some of the conditional means for Xjstar | Xtemp. If expensive_cache = True, this will be quite memory intensive in order to achieve a 2-3x speedup. Otherwise, achieves a a 20-30% speedup at a more modest memory cost.
- center(M, active_inds=None)[source]
Centers an n x j matrix M. For mu = 0, does not perform this computation, which actually is a bottleneck for large n and p.
- compute_F(x_flags, j)[source]
Computes the F function from Page 33 pf the paper: Pr(tildeXj=tildexj, Xjstar=xjstar | Xtemp, tildeX_{1:j-1}, Xjstar_{1:j-1}) Note that tildexj and xjstar are NOT inputs because they do NOT change during the junction tree DP process.
- compute_acc_prob(x_flags, j, log_q1=None, log_q2=None, Xtemp=None)[source]
Computes acceptance probability for variable
given a particular rejection patternx_flags
.Mathematically, this is: Pr(tildeXj = Xjstar | Xtemp, Xtilde_{1:j-1}, Xstar_{1:j})
- create_proposal_params(**kwargs)[source]
Constructs the covariance-guided proposal.
- Parameters
- kwargsdict
kwargs for the
- fetch_cached_proposal_params(Xtemp, x_flags, j)[source]
Same as above, but uses caching to speed up computation. This caching can be cheap (if self.cache is False) or extremely expensive (if self.cache is True) in terms of memory.
- fetch_proposal_params(X, prev_proposals)[source]
Returns mean and variance of proposal j given X and previous proposals. Both
must be in the order used to sample knockoff variables.
- lf_ratio(X, Xjstar, j)[source]
Calculates the log of the likelihood ratio between two observations: X where X[:,j] is replaced with Xjstar, divided by the likelihood of X. This is equivalent to (but often faster) than:
>>> ld_obs = self.lf(X) >>> Xnew = X.copy() >>> Xnew[:, j] = Xjstar >>> ld_prop = self.lf(Xnew) >>> ld_ratio = ld_prop - ld_obs
When node potentials have been passed, this is much faster than calculating the log-likelihood function and subtracting.
- Parameters
X – a n x p matrix of observations
Xjstar – New observations for column j of X
j – an int between 0 and p - 1, telling us which column to replace
- q_ll(Xjstar, X, prev_proposals, cond_mean=None, cond_var=None)[source]
Calculates the log-likelihood of a proposal Xjstar given X and the previous proposals. Xjstar : np.ndarray
-shaped numpy array of values to evaluate the proposal likelihood at.- Xnp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped array of observed data, in the order used to sample knockoff variables.- prev_proposalsnp.ndarray
(n, j-1)
-shaped array of previous proposals, in the order used to sample knockoff variables. If None, assumes j = 0.
- sample_knockoffs(clip=1e-05, cache=None)[source]
Samples knockoffs using the metropolized knockoff sampler.
- Parameters
- clipfloat
To provide numerical stability, we make the minimum acceptance probability clip. If
, some acceptance probabilities may become negative due to floating point errors.- cachebool
If True, uses a very memory intensive caching system to get a 2-3x speedup when calculating conditional means for the proposals. Defaults to true if n * (p**2) < 1e9.
- Returns
- Xknp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped knockoff matrix in the original order the variables were passed in.
- knockpy.metro.get_ordering(T)[source]
Takes a junction tree and returns a variable ordering for the metro knockoff sampler. The code from this function is adapted from the code distributed with https://arxiv.org/abs/1903.00434.
- Parameters
- TA networkx graph that is a junction tree.
- Nodes must be sets with elements 0,…,p-1.
- Returns
- ordera numpy array with unique elements 0,…,p-1
- active_frontierlist of lists
a list of length p gwhere entry j is the set of entries > j that are in V_j. This specifies the conditional independence structure of a joint covariate distribution. See page 34 of https://arxiv.org/abs/1903.00434.
- knockpy.metro.t_log_likelihood(X, df_t)[source]
UNNORMALIZED t loglikelihood. This is also faster than scipy
- knockpy.metro.t_markov_loglike(X, rhos, df_t=3)[source]
Calculates log-likelihood for markov chain specified in https://arxiv.org/pdf/1903.00434.pdf
- knockpy.metro.t_mvn_loglike(X, invScale, mu=None, df_t=3)[source]
Calculates multivariate t log-likelihood up to normalizing constant. :param X: n x p array of data :param invScale: p x p array, inverse multivariate t scale matrix :param mu: p-length array, location parameter :param df_t: degrees of freedom
S-matrix computation
- knockpy.smatrix.compute_smatrix(Sigma, groups=None, method=None, solver=None, how_approx='blockdiag', max_block=1000, num_factors=20, num_processes=1, line_search=True, D=None, U=None, **kwargs)[source]
Wraps a variety of S-matrix generation functions. For mvr, maxent, mmi, and sdp methods, this can use a block-diagonal approximation of Sigma if the dimension of Sigma exceeds max_block or a factor approximation.
- Parameters
- Sigmanp.ndarray
- ``(p, p)``-shaped covariance matrix of X
- groupsnp.ndarray
For group knockoffs, a p-length array of integers from 1 to num_groups such that
groups[j] == i
indicates that variable j is a member of group i. Defaults toNone
(regular knockoffs).- methodstr
Method for constructing S-matrix. One of mvr, maxent, mmi, sdp, equicorrelated, ci.
- solverstr
Method for solving for knockoffs. One of ‘cd’ (coordinate descent), ‘sdp’ (default sdp solver), or ‘psgd’ (projected gradient descent). Coordinate descent is recommended for MRC knockoffs.
- how_approxstr
How to approximate the covariance matrix to speed up computation. - If ‘blockdiag’, approximates Sigma as a block-diagonal matrix. - If ‘factor’, approximates
Sigma = np.diag(D) + np.dot(U, U.T)
, a factor model.- max_blockint
The maximum size of a block if how_approx=’blockdiag’. Defaults to 1000.
- num_factorsint
The number of factors if how_approx=’factor’. Defaults to 20.
- num_processesint
Number of parallel process to use if Sigma is approximated as a block-diagonal matrix.
- Dnp.ndarray
-shaped array of diagonal elements for factor model. Only used if how_approx=’factor’. This is optional if Sigma is not None.- Unp.ndarray
(p, k)
-shaped matrix for factor model. Usually k << p. Only used if how_approx=’factor’. This is optional if Sigma is not None.- line_searchbool
If false, mrc methods do not do a line search after blockdiag approximation.
- kwargsdict
kwargs to pass to one of the wrapped S-matrix solvers.
- Returns
- Snp.ndarray
(p, p)
-shaped (block) diagonal matrix used to generate knockoffs
mmi stands for minimum mutual information, which is the same as maximizing entropy.
- knockpy.smatrix.compute_smatrix_factored(Sigma, D=None, U=None, method='mvr', num_factors=20, **kwargs)[source]
Wraps S-matrix generation functions which approximate
Sigma = np.diag(D) + np.dot(U, U.T)
.- Parameters
- Sigmanp.ndarray
- ``(p, p)``-shaped covariance matrix of X
- Dnp.ndarray
-shaped array of diagonal elements for factor model. Only used if how_approx=’factor’. This is optional if Sigma is not None.- Unp.ndarray
(p, k)
-shaped matrix for factor model. Usually k << p. Only used if how_approx=’factor’. This is optional if Sigma is not None.- methodstr
Method for constructing S-matrix. One of mvr, maxent, mmi.
- num_factorsint
The number of factors if how_approx=’factor’. Defaults to 20.
- kwargsdict
kwargs to pass to one of the wrapped S-matrix solvers.
- Returns
- Snp.ndarray
(p, p)
-shaped (block) diagonal matrix used to generate knockoffs
mmi stands for minimum mutual information, which is the same as maximizing entropy.
- knockpy.smatrix.divide_computation(Sigma, max_block)[source]
Approximates a correlation matrix Sigma as a block-diagonal matrix using hierarchical clustering. Roughly follows the R knockoff package.
- Parameters
- Sigmanp.ndarray
(p, p)
-shaped covariance matrix of X- max_sizeint
Maximum size of a block in the block-diagonal approximation.
- Returns
- blocksnp.ndarray
(p, )
-shaped numpy array whereblocks[i] == j
indicates that variablei
belongs to blockj
- knockpy.smatrix.merge_groups(groups, max_block)[source]
Merges groups of variables together while ensuring all new groups have size less than max_block.
- knockpy.smatrix.parse_method(method, groups, p=None)[source]
Decides which method to use to create the knockoff S matrix
Methods for minimum-reconstructability knockoffs.
- knockpy.mrc.cholupdate(R, x, add=True)[source]
Performs rank one updates to a cholesky factor R in place.
- Parameters
- Rnp.ndarray
-shaped upper-triangular matrix.- xnp.ndarray
-shaped vector.- addbool
If True, performs a rank one update; else performs a rank one downdate.
- Returns
- Rnp.ndarray
Suppose the parameter R was a cholesky factor of a matrix V. Upon return, R is the cholesky factor of
V +/- np.outer(x, x)
This function modifies both
in place.The
package is a much faster and more
numerically stable alternative.
- knockpy.mrc.maxent_loss(Sigma, S, smoothing=0)[source]
Computes the log determinant of the feature-knockoff precision matrix, which is proportional to the negative entropy of [X, tilde{X}].
- Parameters
- Sigmanp.ndarray
(p, p)
-shaped covariance matrix of X- Snp.ndarray
(p, p)
-shaped S-matrix used to generate knockoffs- smoothingfloat
to all eigenvalues of the feature-knockoff precision matrix before taking the log determinant to avoid numerical instability. Defaults to 0.
- Returns
- lossfloat
The maxent loss for Sigma and S. This is infinite if S is not feasible.
- knockpy.mrc.mmi_loss(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Computes the log determinant of the feature-knockoff precision matrix, which is proportional mutual information between X and knockoffs.
This is identical to
and exists only for backwards compatability.
- knockpy.mrc.mvr_loss(Sigma, S, smoothing=0)[source]
Computes minimum variance-based reconstructability loss for knockoffs, e.g., the trace of the feature-knockoff precision matrix.
- Parameters
- Sigmanp.ndarray
(p, p)
-shaped covariance matrix of X- Snp.ndarray
(p, p)
-shaped S-matrix used to generate knockoffs- smoothingfloat
to all eigenvalues of the feature-knockoff precision matrix before inverting to avoid numerical instability. Defaults to 0.
- Returns
- lossfloat
The MVR loss for Sigma and S. This is infinite if S is not feasible.
- knockpy.mrc.solve_ciknock(Sigma, tol=1e-05, num_iter=10)[source]
Computes S-matrix used to generate conditional independence knockoffs.
- Parameters
- Sigmanp.ndarray
(p, p)
-shaped covariance matrix of X- tolfloat
Minimum permissible eigenvalue of 2Sigma - S and S.
- num_iterint
The number of iterations in the binary search to ensure S is feasible.
- Returns
- Snp.ndarray
(p, p)
-shaped (block) diagonal matrix used to generate knockoffs
When the S-matrix corresponding to conditional independence knockoffs is not feasible, this computes that S matrix and then does a binary search to find the maximum gamma such that gamma * S is feasible.
- knockpy.mrc.solve_maxent(Sigma, tol=1e-05, verbose=False, num_iter=50, converge_tol=0.0001, choldate_warning=True)[source]
Computes S-matrix used to generate maximum entropy knockoffs using coordinate descent.
- Parameters
- Sigmanp.ndarray
(p, p)
-shaped covariance matrix of X- tolfloat
Minimum permissible eigenvalue of 2Sigma - S and S.
- verbosebool
If True, prints updates during optimization.
- num_iterint
The number of coordinate descent iterations. Defaults to 50.
- converge_tolfloat
A parameter specifying the criteria for convergence.
- choldate_warningbool
If True, will warn the user if choldate is not installed. Defaults to True
- Returns
- Snp.ndarray
(p, p)
-shaped (block) diagonal matrix used to generate knockoffs
- knockpy.mrc.solve_maxent_factored(D, U, tol=1e-05, verbose=False, num_iter=50, converge_tol=0.0001)[source]
Computes S-matrix used to generate maximum entropy knockoffs using coordinate descent assuming that the covariance matrix follows a factor model. This means Sigma = D + UU^T for a p x p diagonal matrix D and a p x k matrix U.
- Parameters
- Dnp.ndarray
-shaped array of diagonal elements.- Unp.ndarray
(p, k)
-shaped matrix. Usually k << p.- tolfloat
Minimum permissible eigenvalue of 2Sigma - S and S.
- verbosebool
If True, prints updates during optimization.
- num_iterint
The number of coordinate descent iterations. Defaults to 50.
- converge_tolfloat
A parameter specifying the criteria for convergence.
- Returns
- Snp.ndarray
(p, p)
-shaped (block) diagonal matrix used to generate knockoffs
- knockpy.mrc.solve_mmi(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Computes S-matrix used to generate minimum mutual information knockoffs. This is identical to
and exists only for backwards compatability.
- knockpy.mrc.solve_mvr(Sigma, groups=None, tol=1e-05, verbose=False, num_iter=50, smoothing=0, rej_rate=0, converge_tol=0.001, choldate_warning=True)[source]
Computes S-matrix used to generate minimum variance-based reconstructability knockoffs using coordinate descent.
- Parameters
- Sigmanp.ndarray
(p, p)
-shaped covariance matrix of X- groupsnp.ndarray
For group knockoffs, a p-length array of integers from 1 to num_groups such that
groups[j] == i
indicates that variable j is a member of group i. Defaults toNone
(regular knockoffs).- tolfloat
Minimum permissible eigenvalue of 2Sigma - S and S.
- verbosebool
If True, prints updates during optimization.
- num_iterint
The number of coordinate descent iterations. Defaults to 50.
- smoothingfloat
to all eigenvalues of the feature-knockoff precision matrix before inverting to avoid numerical instability. Defaults to 0.- converge_tolfloat
A parameter specifying the criteria for convergence.
- choldate_warningbool
If True and groups is None, will warn the user if choldate is not installed. Defaults to True.
- Returns
- Snp.ndarray
(p, p)
-shaped (block) diagonal matrix used to generate knockoffs
- knockpy.mrc.solve_mvr_factored(D, U, tol=1e-05, verbose=False, num_iter=15, converge_tol=0.0001)[source]
Computes S-matrix used to generate mvr knockoffs using coordinate descent assuming that the covariance matrix follows a factor model. This means Sigma = D + UU^T for a p x p diagonal matrix D and a p x k matrix U.
- Parameters
- Dnp.ndarray
-shaped array of diagonal elements.- Unp.ndarray
(p, k)
-shaped matrix. Usually k << p.- tolfloat
Minimum permissible eigenvalue of 2Sigma - S and S.
- verbosebool
If True, prints updates during optimization.
- num_iterint
The number of coordinate descent iterations. Defaults to 50.
- converge_tolfloat
A parameter specifying the criteria for convergence.
- Returns
- Snp.ndarray
(p, p)
-shaped (block) diagonal matrix used to generate knockoffs
- knockpy.mac.calc_min_group_eigenvalue(Sigma, groups, tol=1e-05, verbose=False)[source]
Calculates the minimum “group” eigenvalue of a covariance matrix Sigma: see Dai and Barber 2016. This is useful for constructing equicorrelated (group) knockoffs.
- knockpy.mac.solve_SDP(Sigma, verbose=False, num_iter=10, tol=1e-05)[source]
Solves ungrouped SDP to create S-matrix for MAC-minimizing knockoffs.
- Parameters
- Sigmanp.ndarray
(p, p)
-shaped covariance matrix of X- verbosebool
If True, prints updates during optimization.
- num_iterint
Number of iterations in a final binary search to account for numerical errors and ensure 2Sigma - S is PSD.
- tolfloat
Minimum permissible eigenvalue of 2Sigma - S and S.
- Returns
- Snp.ndarray
(p, p)
-shaped diagonal S-matrix used to generate knockoffs
Calculates the block diagonal matrix S using the equicorrelated method described by Dai and Barber 2016.
- Parameters
- Sigmanp.ndarray
(p, p)
-shaped covariance matrix of X- groupsnp.ndarray
For group knockoffs, a p-length array of integers from 1 to num_groups such that
groups[j] == i
indicates that variable j is a member of group i. Defaults toNone
(regular knockoffs).- tolfloat
Minimum permissible eigenvalue of 2Sigma - S and S.
- Returns
- Snp.ndarray
(p, p)
-shaped (block) diagonal matrix used to generate knockoffs
- knockpy.mac.solve_group_SDP(Sigma, groups=None, verbose=False, objective='abs', norm_type=2, num_iter=10, tol=1e-05, dsdp_warning=True, **kwargs)[source]
Solves the MAC-minimizng SDP formulation for group knockoffs: extends Barer and Candes 2015/ Candes et al 2018.
- Sigmanp.ndarray
(p, p)
-shaped covariance matrix of X- groupsnp.ndarray
For group knockoffs, a p-length array of integers from 1 to num_groups such that
groups[j] == i
indicates that variable j is a member of group i. Defaults toNone
(regular knockoffs).- verbosebool
If True, prints updates during optimization.
- objectivestr
How to optimize the S matrix for group knockoffs. There are several options: - ‘abs’: minimize sum(abs(Sigma - S)) - ‘pnorm’: minimize Lp-th matrix norm. - ‘norm’: minimize different type of matrix norm (see norm_type below).
- norm_typestr or int
When objective == ‘pnorm’, a float specifying which Lp-th matrix norm
to use. Can be any float >= 1. - When objective == ‘norm’, can be ‘fro’, ‘nuc’, np.inf, or 1.
- num_iterint
Number of iterations in a final binary search to account for numerical errors and ensure 2Sigma - S is PSD.
- tolfloat
Minimum permissible eigenvalue of 2Sigma - S and S.
- kwargsdict
Keyword arguments to pass to the
- Returns
- Snp.ndarray
(p, p)
-shaped (block) diagonal matrix used to generate knockoffs
The kpytorch submodule includes a miscallaneous
set of classes and methods which rely on pytorch
for automatic differentation.
- class knockpy.kpytorch.deeppink.DeepPinkModel(p, hidden_sizes=[64], y_dist='gaussian', normalize_Z=True)[source]
(name, module)Adds a child module to the current module.
recursively to every submodule (as returned by.children()
) as well as self.bfloat16
()Casts all floating point parameters and buffers to
([recurse])Returns an iterator over module buffers.
()Returns an iterator over immediate children modules.
()Moves all model parameters and buffers to the CPU.
([device])Moves all model parameters and buffers to the GPU.
()Casts all floating point parameters and buffers to
()Sets the module in evaluation mode.
()Set the extra representation of the module
()Casts all floating point parameters and buffers to
(features)Note: features are now shuffled
(target)Returns the buffer given by
if it exists, otherwise throws an error.get_extra_state
()Returns any extra state to include in the module's state_dict.
(target)Returns the parameter given by
if it exists, otherwise throws an error.get_submodule
(target)Returns the submodule given by
if it exists, otherwise throws an error.half
()Casts all floating point parameters and buffers to
(state_dict[, strict])Copies parameters and buffers from
into this module and its descendants.modules
()Returns an iterator over all modules in the network.
([prefix, recurse])Returns an iterator over module buffers, yielding both the name of the buffer as well as the buffer itself.
()Returns an iterator over immediate children modules, yielding both the name of the module as well as the module itself.
([memo, prefix, remove_duplicate])Returns an iterator over all modules in the network, yielding both the name of the module as well as the module itself.
([prefix, recurse])Returns an iterator over module parameters, yielding both the name of the parameter as well as the parameter itself.
([recurse])Returns an iterator over module parameters.
(features)Wraps forward method, for compatibility with sklearn classes.
(hook)Registers a backward hook on the module.
(name, tensor[, persistent])Adds a buffer to the module.
(hook)Registers a forward hook on the module.
(hook)Registers a forward pre-hook on the module.
(hook)Registers a backward hook on the module.
(name, module)Alias for
(name, param)Adds a parameter to the module.
([requires_grad])Change if autograd should record operations on parameters in this module.
(state)This function is called from
to handle any extra state found within the state_dict.share_memory
([destination, prefix, keep_vars])Returns a dictionary containing a whole state of the module.
(*args, **kwargs)Moves and/or casts the parameters and buffers.
(*, device)Moves the parameters and buffers to the specified device without copying storage.
([mode])Sets the module in training mode.
(dst_type)Casts all parameters and buffers to
([device])Moves all model parameters and buffers to the XPU.
([set_to_none])Sets gradients of all model parameters to zero.
Gradient-based methods for solving MRC problems. Currently only used for group-knockoffs.
- class knockpy.kpytorch.mrcgrad.MVRLoss(Sigma, groups, init_S=None, invSigma=None, rec_prop=0, smoothing=0.01, min_smoothing=0.0001, method='mvr')[source]
A pytorch class to compute S-matrices for (gaussian) MX knockoffs which minimizes the trace of the feature-knockoff precision matrix (the inverse of the feature-knockoff covariance/Grahm matrix, G).
- Parameters
Sigma – p x p numpy matrix. Must already
be sorted by groups. :param groups: p length numpy array of groups. These must already be sorted and correspond to the Sigma. :param init_S: The initialization values for the S block-diagonal matrix. - A p x p matrix. The block-diagonal of this matrix, as specified by groups, will be the initial values for the S matrix. - A list of square numpy matrices, with the ith element corresponding to the block of the ith group in S. Default: Half of the identity. :param rec_prop: The proportion of data you are planning to recycle. (The optimal S matrix depends on the recycling proportion.) :param rec_prop: The proportion of knockoffs that will be recycled. :param smoothing: Calculate the loss as sum 1/(eigs + smoothing) as opposed to sum 1/eigs. This is helpful if fitting lasso statistics on extremely degenerate covariance matrices. Over the course of optimization, this smoothing parameter will go to 0. :param method: One of mvr or maxent (mmi for backwards compatability).
(name, module)Adds a child module to the current module.
recursively to every submodule (as returned by.children()
) as well as self.bfloat16
()Casts all floating point parameters and buffers to
([recurse])Returns an iterator over module buffers.
()Returns an iterator over immediate children modules.
()Moves all model parameters and buffers to the CPU.
([device])Moves all model parameters and buffers to the GPU.
()Casts all floating point parameters and buffers to
()Sets the module in evaluation mode.
()Set the extra representation of the module
()Casts all floating point parameters and buffers to
([smoothing])Calculates trace of inverse grahm feature-knockoff matrix
(target)Returns the buffer given by
if it exists, otherwise throws an error.get_extra_state
()Returns any extra state to include in the module's state_dict.
(target)Returns the parameter given by
if it exists, otherwise throws an error.get_submodule
(target)Returns the submodule given by
if it exists, otherwise throws an error.half
()Casts all floating point parameters and buffers to
(state_dict[, strict])Copies parameters and buffers from
into this module and its descendants.modules
()Returns an iterator over all modules in the network.
([prefix, recurse])Returns an iterator over module buffers, yielding both the name of the buffer as well as the buffer itself.
()Returns an iterator over immediate children modules, yielding both the name of the module as well as the module itself.
([memo, prefix, remove_duplicate])Returns an iterator over all modules in the network, yielding both the name of the module as well as the module itself.
([prefix, recurse])Returns an iterator over module parameters, yielding both the name of the parameter as well as the parameter itself.
([recurse])Returns an iterator over module parameters.
(**kwargs)Project by scaling sqrt_S
()Returns the S matrix
(hook)Registers a backward hook on the module.
(name, tensor[, persistent])Adds a buffer to the module.
(hook)Registers a forward hook on the module.
(hook)Registers a forward pre-hook on the module.
(hook)Registers a backward hook on the module.
(name, module)Alias for
(name, param)Adds a parameter to the module.
([requires_grad])Change if autograd should record operations on parameters in this module.
(tol, num_iter)Scales sqrt_S such that 2 Sigma - S is PSD.
(state)This function is called from
to handle any extra state found within the state_dict.share_memory
([destination, prefix, keep_vars])Returns a dictionary containing a whole state of the module.
(*args, **kwargs)Moves and/or casts the parameters and buffers.
(*, device)Moves the parameters and buffers to the specified device without copying storage.
([mode])Sets the module in training mode.
(dst_type)Casts all parameters and buffers to
.Updates sqrt_S using the block parameters
([device])Moves all model parameters and buffers to the XPU.
([set_to_none])Sets gradients of all model parameters to zero.
- class knockpy.kpytorch.mrcgrad.PSGDSolver(Sigma, groups, losscalc=None, lr=0.01, verbose=False, max_epochs=100, tol=1e-05, line_search_iter=10, convergence_tol=0.1, **kwargs)[source]
Projected gradient descent to solve for MRC knockoffs. This will work for non-convex loss objectives as well, although it’s a heuristic optimization method. :param Sigma: p x p numpy array, the correlation matrix :param groups: p-length numpy array specifying groups :param losscalc: A pytorch class wrapping nn.module which contains the following methods: - .forward() which calculates the loss based on the internally stored S matrix. - .project() which ensures that both the internally-stored S matrix as well as (2*Sigma - S) are PSD. - .pull_S(), which returns the internally-stored S matrix. If None, creates a MVRLoss class. :param lr: Initial learning rate (default 1e-2) :param verbose: if true, reports progress :param max_epochs: Maximum number of epochs in SGD :param tol: Mimimum eigenvalue allowed for PSD matrices :param line_search_iter: Number of line searches to do when scaling sqrt_S. :param convergence_tol: After each projection, we calculate improvement = 2/3 * ||prev_opt_S - opt_S||_1 + 1/3 * (improvement) When improvement < convergence_tol, we return. :param kwargs: Passed to MVRLoss
()See __init__ for arguments.
- knockpy.kpytorch.mrcgrad.block_diag_sparse(*arrs)[source]
Given a list of 2D torch tensors, creates a sparse block-diagonal matrix See https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/31942
- knockpy.kpytorch.mrcgrad.solve_mrc_psgd(Sigma, groups=None, method='mvr', **kwargs)[source]
Wraps the PSGDSolver class. :param Sigma: Covariance matrix :param groups: groups for group knockoffs :param method: MRC loss (mvr or maxent) :param init_kwargs: kwargs to pass to PSGDSolver. :param optimize_kwargs: kwargs to pass to optimizer method. :returns: opt_S
Gaussian graphical model discovery
Knockoffs for detecting edges in gaussian graphical models. See https://arxiv.org/pdf/1908.11611.pdf.
- class knockpy.ggm.KnockoffGGM(fstat='lcd', fstat_kwargs=None, knockoff_kwargs=None)[source]
Tests for edges in a Gaussian Graphical Model. See Li and Maathuis (2019) for details.
- Parameters
- fstatstr
The feature statistic to use in the knockoff filter: this must be a string and must be a valid fixed-X knockoff feature statistic. Identifiers include: - ‘lasso’ or ‘lcd’: lasso coefficients differences - ‘lsm’: signed maximum of the lasso path statistic as
in Barber and Candes 2015
‘ols’: Ordinary least squares coefficients
‘margcorr’: marginal correlations between features and response
- fstat_kwargsdict
Kwargs to pass to the feature statistic
function, excluding the required arguments, defaults to {}- knockoff_kwargsdict
Kwargs for instantiating the knockoff sampler argument if the ksampler argument is a string identifier. Defaults to {}
There is no known way to use model-X knockoffs for this application.
Here we fit KnockoffGGM under the global null when the true Gaussian graphical model has no edges:
# Fake data-generating process for Gaussian graphical model import numpy as np X = np.random.randn(300, 30)
# LCD statistic with FX knockoffs from knockpy.ggm import KnockoffGGM gkf = KnockoffGGM(
fstat=’lcd’, knockoff_kwargs={“method”:”mvr”},
) edges = gkf.forward(X=X, verbose=True)
- Attributes
- Wnp.array
-shaped array of knockoff statistics with zeros along the diagonal. The rows of W obey the flip-sign property, i.e., W[0] obeys the flip-sign property.- kfslist
A list of KnockoffFilter classes corresponding to the regression run on each covariate.
(X[, logic, fdr, ggm_kwargs, verbose])Runs the GGM filter by applying fixed-X knockoffs
- forward(X, logic='and', fdr=0.1, ggm_kwargs=None, verbose=True)[source]
Runs the GGM filter by applying fixed-X knockoffs to each column of X using the other columns as covariates.
- Parameters
- Xnp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped design matrix.- fdrfloat
Nominal level at which to control the FDR. logic : string
One of ‘and’ or ‘or’. This is a hyperparameter used to determine the rejection set. Defaults to “and”.
- ggm_kwargsdict
Dictionary of hyperparameters to pass to the
function. Defaults to {}.- verbosebool
If true, log progress over time.
- Returns
- edgesnp.array
-shaped symmetric boolean array where edges[i,j] is true if and only if edge (i,j) has been discovered.
This requires fitting knockoffs p times, so it is quite expensive.
- knockpy.ggm.compute_ggm_threshold(W, fdr=0.1, logic='and', a=1, offset=1)[source]
- Parameters
- Wnp.array
-shaped array of knockoff statistics with zeros along the diagonal. The rows of W must obey the flip-sign property.- fdrfloat
Desired level of FDR control.
- logicstring
One of ‘and’ or ‘or’. This is a hyperparameter used to determine the rejection set. Defaults to “and”.
- afloat
One of 0.01 or 1. Hyperparameter used to determine the rejection threshold. See Li and Maathuis (2019) for discussion.
- offsetint
If offset = 0, control the modified FDR. If offset = 1 (default), controls the FDR exactly.
- Returns
- Tnp.array
-shaped array of knockoff thresholds
See Algorithm 2, https://arxiv.org/pdf/1908.11611.pdf
- knockpy.ggm.discovered_edges(W, T, logic='and')[source]
- Parameters
- Wnp.array
-shaped array of knockoff statistics with zeros along the diagonal. The rows of W must obey the flip-sign property.- Tnp.array
-shaped array of knockoff thresholds- logicstring
One of ‘and’ or ‘or’. This is a hyperparameter used to determine the rejection set. Defaults to “and”.
- Returns
- edgesnp.array
-shaped symmetric boolean array where edges[i,j] is true if and only if edge (i,j) has been discovered.
Quickly creating data-generating processes
A collection of functions for generating synthetic datasets.
- knockpy.dgp.AR1(p=30, a=1, b=1, tol=None, max_corr=1, rho=None)[source]
Generates p-dimensional correlation matrix for AR(1) Gaussian process, where successive correlations are drawn from Beta(a,`b`) independelty. If rho is specified, then the process is stationary with correlation rho.
- class knockpy.dgp.DGP(mu=None, Sigma=None, invSigma=None, beta=None, gibbs_graph=None)[source]
A utility class which creates a (random) data-generating process for a design matrix X and a response y. If the parameters are not specified, they will be randomly generated during the
method.- Parameters
- munp.ndarray
-shaped mean vector for X data- Sigmanp.ndarray
(p, p)
-shaped covariance matrix for X data- invSigmanp.ndarray
(p, p)
-shaped precision matrix for X data- betanp.ndarray
coefficients used to generate y from X in a single index or sparse additive model.
- gibbs_graphnp.ndarray
(p, p)
-shaped matrix of coefficients for gibbs grid method.
- Attributes
- munp.ndarray
See above
- Sigmanp.ndarray
See above
- invSigmanp.ndarray
See above
- betanp.ndarray
See above
- gibbs_Graphnp.ndarray
See above
- Xnp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped design matrix- ynp.ndarray
(n, )
-shaped response vector
([p, n, x_dist, method, y_dist, ...])(Possibly) generates random data-generating parameters and then samples data using those parameters.
- sample_data(p=100, n=50, x_dist='gaussian', method='AR1', y_dist='gaussian', cond_mean='linear', coeff_size=1, coeff_dist=None, sparsity=0.5, groups=None, sign_prob=0.5, iid_signs=True, corr_signals=False, df_t=3, **kwargs)[source]
(Possibly) generates random data-generating parameters and then samples data using those parameters. By default, (X, y) are jointly Gaussian and y is a linear response to X.
- Parameters
- nint
The number of data points
- pint
The dimensionality of the data
- x_diststr
Specifies the distribution of X. One of “Gaussian”, “blockt”, “ar1t”, or “gibbs”.
- methodstr
How to generate the covariance matrix of X. One of “AR1”, “NestedAR1”, “partialcorr”, “factor”, “blockequi”, “ver”, “qer”, “dirichlet”, or “uniformdot”. See the docs for each of these methods.
- y_diststr
Specifies the distribution of y. One of “Gaussian” or “binomial”.
- cond_meanstr
How to calculate the conditional mean of y given X. Defaults to “linear”. See
for more options.- coeff_size: float
Size of non-zero coefficients
- coeff_diststr
Specifies the distribution of nonzero coefficients. Three options: -
: all coefficients have absolute value coeff_size. -normal
: all nonzero coefficients are drawn from Normal(coeff_size, 1). -uniform
: nonzero coeffs are drawn from Unif(coeff_size/2, coeff_size).- sparsityfloat
Proportion of non-null coefficients. Generates
non-nulls.- groupsnp.ndarray
A p-length array of integers from 1 to num_groups such that
groups[j] == i
indicates that variable j is a member of group i. Defaults toNone
. Else, floor(sparsity * num_groups) groups will be chosen to be non-null, where all elements of each group are non-null.- sign_probfloat
The probability that each nonzero coefficient will be positive.
- iid_signsbool
If True, the signs of the coeffs are assigned independently. Else, exactly sign_prob*sparsity*p coefficients will be positive.
- corr_signalsbool
If true, all of the nonzero coefficients will lie in a consecutive block.
- df_tfloat
If the X variables are marginally t-distributed, the degrees of freedom.
- kwargs: dict
keyword arguments to pass to method for generating the covariance matrix.
- knockpy.dgp.DirichletCorr(p=100, temp=1, tol=1e-06)[source]
Generates a correlation matrix by sampling p eigenvalues from a dirichlet distribution whose p parameters are i.i.d. uniform [tol, temp] and generating a random covariance matrix with those eigenvalues.
- knockpy.dgp.ErdosRenyi(p=300, delta=0.2, lower=0.1, upper=1, tol=0.1)[source]
Randomly samples bernoulli flags as well as values for partial correlations to generate sparse square matrices. Follows https://arxiv.org/pdf/1908.11611.pdf.
- knockpy.dgp.FactorModel(p=500, rank=2)[source]
Generates random correlation matrix from a factor model with dimension p and rank rank.
- knockpy.dgp.NestedAR1(p=500, a=7, b=1, tol=0.001, num_nests=5, nest_size=2)[source]
Generates correlation matrix for AR(1) Gaussian process with hierarchical correlation structure.
- knockpy.dgp.PartialCorr(p=300, rho=0.3)[source]
Creates a correlation matrix of dimension p with partial correlation rho.
- knockpy.dgp.UniformDot(d=100, p=100, tol=0.01)[source]
Let U be a random d x p matrix with i.i.d. uniform entries. Then Sigma = ``cov2corr``(U^T U)
- knockpy.dgp.Wishart(d=100, p=100, tol=0.01)[source]
Let W be a random d x p matrix with i.i.d. Gaussian entries. Then Sigma = ``cov2corr``(W^T W).
- knockpy.dgp.block_equi_graph(n=3000, p=1000, block_size=5, sparsity=0.1, rho=0.5, gamma=0, coeff_size=3.5, coeff_dist=None, sign_prob=0.5, iid_signs=True, corr_signals=False, beta=None, mu=None, **kwargs)[source]
Samples data according to a block-equicorrelated Gaussian design, where
is the within-block correlation andgamma * rho
is the between-block correlation.- Parameters
- nint
The number of data points
- pint
The dimensionality of the data
- block_sizeint
The size of blocks. Defaults to 5.
- sparsityfloat
The proportion of groups which are null. Defaults to 0.1
- rhofloat
The within-group correlation
- gammafloat
The between-group correlation is
gamma * rho
- betanp.ndarray
If supplied, the
-shaped set of coefficients. Else, will be generated by callingknockpy.dgp.create_sparse_coefficients.
- munp.ndarray
-dimensional mean of the covariates. Defaults to 0.- kwargsdict
Args passed to
This defaults to the same data-generating process as Dai and Barber 2016 (see https://arxiv.org/abs/1602.03589).
- knockpy.dgp.construct_gibbs_grid(n, p, temp=1)[source]
Creates gridlike
parameter forsample_gibbs
. Seesample_gibbs
- knockpy.dgp.coords2num(l, w, gridwidth=10)[source]
Takes coordinates of variable in a Gibbs grid, returns position
- knockpy.dgp.cov2blocks(V, tol=1e-05)[source]
Decomposes a PREORDERED block-diagonal matrix V into its blocks.
- knockpy.dgp.create_correlation_tree(corr_matrix, method='single')[source]
Creates hierarchical clustering (correlation tree) from a correlation matrix
- Parameters
- corr_matrixnp.ndarray
(p, p)
-shaped correlation matrix- methodstr
the method of hierarchical clustering: ‘single’, ‘average’, ‘fro’, or ‘complete’. Defaults to ‘single’.
- Returns
- linknp.ndarray
The link of the correlation tree, as in scipy
- knockpy.dgp.create_grouping(Sigma, cutoff=0.95, **kwargs)[source]
Creates a knockoff grouping from a covariance matrix using hierarchical clustering.
- Parameters
- Sigmanp.ndarray
(p, p)
-shaped covariance matrix- cutoffnp.ndarray
The correlation at which to “cut” the correlation tree. For method=’single’, cutoff=0.95 ensures that no two variables in different groups have absolute correlation greater than 0.95.
- Returns
- groupsnp.ndarray
(p,)-shaped array of groups for each variable
- knockpy.dgp.create_sparse_coefficients(p, sparsity=0.5, groups=None, coeff_size=1, coeff_dist=None, sign_prob=0.5, iid_signs=True, corr_signals=False, n=None)[source]
Generate a set of sparse coefficients for single index or sparse additive models. p : int
Dimensionality of coefficients
- sparsityfloat
Proportion of non-null coefficients. Generates
non-nulls.- coeff_size: float
Size of non-zero coefficients
- groupsnp.ndarray
A p-length array of integers from 1 to num_groups such that
groups[j] == i
indicates that variable j is a member of group i. Defaults toNone
. Else, floor(sparsity * num_groups) groups will be chosen to be non-null, where all elements of each group are non-null.- sign_probfloat
The probability that each nonzero coefficient will be positive.
- iid_signsbool
If True, the signs of the coeffs are assigned independently. Else, exactly sign_prob*sparsity*p coefficients will be positive.
- coeff_diststr
Specifies the distribution of nonzero coefficients. Three options: -
: all coefficients have absolute value coeff_size. -normal
: all nonzero coefficients are drawn from Normal(coeff_size, 1). -uniform
: nonzero coeffs are drawn from Unif(coeff_size/2, coeff_size).- corr_signalsbool
If true, all of the nonzero coefficients will lie in a consecutive block.
- Returns
- betanp.ndarray
-shaped array of sparse coefficients
- knockpy.dgp.graph2cliques(Q)[source]
Turns graph Q of connections into binary cliques for Gibbs grid
- knockpy.dgp.num2coords(i, gridwidth=10)[source]
Coordinates of variable i in a Gibbs grid
- Parameters
- iint
Position of variable in ordering
- gridwidthint
Width of the grid
- Returns
- length_coord, width_coord (coordinates)
- knockpy.dgp.sample_ar1t(rhos, n=50, df_t=3)[source]
Samples t-distributed variables according to a Markov chain.
- Parameters
- rhosnp.ndarray
(p-1, )
-length array of correlations between consecutive variables.- nint
The number of data points to sample
- df_tfloat
The degrees of freedom of the t variables
- Returns
- Xnp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped design matrix
- knockpy.dgp.sample_block_tmvn(blocks, n=50, df_t=3)[source]
Samples a blocks of multivariate-t distributed variables according to a list of covariance matrices called
.- Parameters
- blockslist
A list of square, symmetric numpy arrays. These are the covariance matrices for each block of variables.
- nint
The number of data points to sample
- df_tfloat
The degrees of freedom of the t-distribution
The variables are scaled such that the marginal variance of each variable equals a diagonal element in one of the blocks.
- knockpy.dgp.sample_gibbs(n, p, gibbs_graph=None, temp=1, num_iter=15, K=20, max_val=2.5)[source]
Samples from a discrete Gibbs measure using a gibbs sampler.
The joint likelihood for the p-dimensional data X1 through Xp is the product of all terms of the following form:
`np.exp(-1*gibbs_graph[i,j]*np.abs(Xi - Xj))`
where gibbs_graph is assumed to be symmetric (and is usually sparse). Each feature takes values on an evenly spaced grid from
values.- Parameters
- nint
How many data points to sample
- pint
Dimensionality of the data
- gibbs_graphnp.ndarray
A symmetric
(p, p)
-shaped array. See likelihood equation. By default, this is corresponds to an undirected graphical model with a square grid (like an Ising model) with nonzero entries set to 1 or -1 with equal probability.- tempfloat
Governs the strength of interactions between features—see the likelihood equation.
- num_iterint
Number of iterations in the Gibbs sampler; defaults to 15.
- Kint
Number of discrete values each sampled feature can take.
- max_valfloat
The maximum absolute value each feature can take.
- Returns
- Xnp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped array of data- gibbs_graphnp.ndarray
The generated gibbs_graph.
- knockpy.dgp.sample_response(X, beta, cond_mean='linear', y_dist='gaussian')[source]
Given a design matrix X and coefficients beta, samples a response y.
- Xnp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped design matrix- betanp.ndarray
(p, )
-shaped coefficient vector- cond_meanstr
How to calculate the conditional mean of y given X, denoted mu(X). Six options:
“linear” denotes
np.dot(X, beta)
“cubic” denotes
np.dot(X**3, beta) - np.dot(X, beta)
3. “trunclinear”
((X * beta >= 1).sum(axis = 1))
Stands for truncated linear. 4. “pairint”: pairs up non-null coefficients according to the order of beta, multiplies them and their beta values, then sums. “pairint” stands for pairwise-interactions. 5. “cos”:mu(X) = sign(beta) * (beta != 0) * np.cos(X)
6. “quadratic”:mu(X) = np.dot(np.power(X, 2), beta)
- y_diststr
If “gaussian”, y is the conditional mean plus gaussian noise. If “binomial”, Pr(y=1) = softmax(cond_mean).
- Returns
- ynp.ndarray
-shaped response vector
Utility functions
- knockpy.utilities.apply_pool(func, constant_inputs={}, num_processes=1, **kwargs)[source]
Spawns num_processes processes to apply func to many different arguments. This wraps the multiprocessing.pool object plus the functools partial function.
- Parameters
- funcfunction
An arbitrary function
- constant_inputsdictionary
A dictionary of arguments to func which do not change in each of the processes spawned, defaults to {}.
- num_processesint
The maximum number of processes spawned, defaults to 1.
- kwargsdict
Each key should correspond to an argument to func and should map to a list of different arguments.
- Returns
- outputslist
List of outputs for each input, in the order of the inputs.
If we are varying inputs ‘a’ and ‘b’, we might have ``apply_pool(
func=my_func, a=[1,3,5], b=[2,4,6]
)`` which would return
[my_func(a=1, b=2), my_func(a=3,b=4), my_func(a=5,b=6)]
- knockpy.utilities.blockdiag_to_blocks(M, groups)[source]
Given a square array M, returns a list of diagonal blocks of M as specified by groups.
- Parameters
- Mnp.ndarray
(p, p)
-shaped array- groupsnp.ndarray
(p, )
-shaped array with m unique values. Ifgroups[i] == j
, this indicates that coordinatei
belongs to groupj
- Returns
- blockslist
A list of square np.ndarrays. blocks[i] corresponds to group identified by the ith smallest unique value of
- knockpy.utilities.calc_group_sizes(groups)[source]
Given a list of groups, finds the sizes of the groups.
- Parameters
- groupsnp.ndarray
(p, )
-shaped array which takes m integer values from 1 to m. Ifgroups[i] == j
, this indicates that coordinatei
belongs to groupj
.- :param groups: p-length array of integers between 1 and m,
- Returns
- sizesnp.ndarray
(m, )
-length array of group sizes.
- knockpy.utilities.calc_mineig(M)[source]
Calculates the minimum eigenvalue of a square symmetric matrix M
- knockpy.utilities.cov2corr(M, invM=None)[source]
Rescales a p x p cov. matrix M to be a correlation matrix. If invM is not None, also rescales invM to be the inverse of M.
- knockpy.utilities.estimate_covariance(X, tol=0.0001, shrinkage='ledoitwolf', **kwargs)[source]
Estimates covariance matrix of X.
- Parameters
- Xnp.ndarray
(n, p)
-shaped design matrix- shrinkagestr
The type of shrinkage to apply during estimation. One of “ledoitwolf”, “graphicallasso”, or None (no shrinkage).
- tolfloat
If shrinkage is None but the minimum eigenvalue of the MLE is below tol, apply LedoitWolf shrinkage anyway.
- kwargsdict
kwargs to pass to the shrinkage estimator.
- Returns
- Sigmanp.ndarray
(p, p)
-shaped estimated covariance matrix of X- invSigmanp.ndarray
(p, p)
-shaped estimated precision matrix of X
- knockpy.utilities.estimate_factor(Sigma, num_factors=20, num_iter=10)[source]
Sigma = np.diag(D) + np.dot(U, U.T)
. See https://arxiv.org/pdf/2006.08790.pdf.- Parameters
- Sigmanp.ndarray
(p, p)
-shaped covariance matrix of X- num_factorsint
Dimensionality of
- Returns
- Dnp.ndarray
-shaped array of diagonal elements.- Unp.ndarray
(p, num_factors)
-shaped array.
TODO: allow X as an input when Sigma does not fit in memory.
- knockpy.utilities.fetch_group_nonnulls(non_nulls, groups)[source]
Combines feature-level null hypotheses into group-level hypothesis.
- knockpy.utilities.permute_matrix_by_groups(groups)[source]
Create indices which permute a (covariance) matrix according to a list of groups.
- knockpy.utilities.preprocess_groups(groups)[source]
Maps the m unique elements of a 1D “groups” array to the integers from 1 to m.
- knockpy.utilities.random_permutation_inds(length)[source]
Returns indexes which will randomly permute/unpermute a numpy array of length length. Also returns indices which will undo this permutation.
- Returns
- indsnp.ndarray
-shaped ndarray corresponding to a random permutation from 0 to length-1.- rev_indsnp.ndarray
-shaped ndarray such that for any(length,)
-shaped array calledx