Getting Started
To install knockpy, first install choldate using the following command:
pip install git+git://
Then, install knockpy using pip:
pip install knockpy[fast]
To use the (optional) kpytorch submodule, you will need to install pytorch.
What if installation fails?
knockpy relies on heavy-duty linear algebra routines which sometimes fail on non-Linux environments.
1. To start, install a lightweight version of knockpy using
pip install knockpy
. This should install correctly on all devices, and contains nearly all of the functionality of the prior installation. However, the algorithms for computing optimal distributions for Gaussian knockoffs, such as minimum reconstructability knockoffs or SDP knockoffs, may be an order of magnitude slower.
- [Optional] To speed up computation for minimum reconstructability knockoffs (the default knockoff type), follow these instructions.
pip install cython>=0.29.14
. If the installation fails, likely due to the incorrect configuration of a C compiler, you have three options. First, the conda package manager includes a compiler, so the commandconda install cython
should work on all platforms. Second, on Windows, you can install precompiled binaries for cython. Lastly, on all platforms, the documentation here describes how to properly configure a C compiler during installation.Run
pip install git+git://
[Optional] To speed up computation for (non-default) SDP knockoffs, you will need to install
. This can be challenging on non-Linux environments. We hope to provide more explicit instructions for installation of this package in the future.
Given a data-matrix X and a response vector y, knockpy makes it easy to use knockoffs to perform variable selection using a wide variety of machine learning algorithms (also known as “feature statistic”) and types of knockoffs. One quick example is shown below, where we use the cross-validated lasso to assign variable importances to the features and knockoffs.
import knockpy as kpy
from knockpy.knockoff_filter import KnockoffFilter
# Generate synthetic data from a Gaussian linear model
data_gen_process = kpy.dgp.DGP()
n=1500, # Number of datapoints
p=500, # Dimensionality
X = data_gen_process.X
y = data_gen_process.y
# Run model-X knockoffs
kfilter = KnockoffFilter(
rejections = kfilter.forward(X=X, y=y, Sigma=Sigma)
Most importantly, knockpy
is built to be modular, so researchers and analysts can easily layer functionality on top of it.