""" Gradient-based methods for solving MRC problems.
Currently only used for group-knockoffs."""
import warnings
import time
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from ..constants import GAMMA_VALS
from .. import utilities, mrc
[docs]def block_diag_sparse(*arrs):
""" Given a list of 2D torch tensors, creates a sparse block-diagonal matrix
See https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/31942
bad_args = []
for k, arr in enumerate(arrs):
# if isinstance(arr, nn.Parameter):
# arr = arr.data
if not (isinstance(arr, torch.Tensor) and arr.ndim == 2):
if len(bad_args) != 0:
raise ValueError(f"Args in {bad_args} positions must be 2D tensor")
shapes = torch.tensor([a.shape for a in arrs])
out = torch.zeros(
torch.sum(shapes, dim=0).tolist(), dtype=arrs[0].dtype, device=arrs[0].device
r, c = 0, 0
for i, (rr, cc) in enumerate(shapes):
out[r : r + rr, c : c + cc] = arrs[i]
r += rr
c += cc
return out
[docs]class MVRLoss(nn.Module):
A pytorch class to compute S-matrices for
(gaussian) MX knockoffs which minimizes the
trace of the feature-knockoff precision matrix
(the inverse of the feature-knockoff
covariance/Grahm matrix, G).
:param Sigma: p x p numpy matrix. Must already
be sorted by groups.
:param groups: p length numpy array of groups.
These must already be sorted and correspond to
the Sigma.
:param init_S: The initialization values for the S
block-diagonal matrix.
- A p x p matrix. The block-diagonal of this matrix,
as specified by groups, will be the initial values
for the S matrix.
- A list of square numpy matrices, with the ith element
corresponding to the block of the ith group in S.
Default: Half of the identity.
:param rec_prop: The proportion of data you are planning
to recycle. (The optimal S matrix depends on the recycling
:param rec_prop: The proportion of knockoffs that will be
:param smoothing: Calculate the loss as sum 1/(eigs + smoothing)
as opposed to sum 1/eigs. This is helpful if fitting lasso
statistics on extremely degenerate covariance matrices. Over the
course of optimization, this smoothing parameter will go to 0.
:param method: One of mvr or maxent (mmi for backwards compatability).
def __init__(
# Groups MUST be sorted
sorted_groups = np.sort(groups)
if not np.all(groups == sorted_groups):
raise ValueError("Sigma and groups must be sorted prior to input")
# Save sigma and groups
self.p = Sigma.shape[0]
self.groups = torch.from_numpy(groups).long()
self.group_sizes = torch.from_numpy(utilities.calc_group_sizes(groups)).long()
self.Sigma = torch.from_numpy(Sigma).float()
# Save inverse cov matrix, rec_prop
if invSigma is None:
invSigma = utilities.chol2inv(Sigma)
self.invSigma = torch.from_numpy(invSigma).float()
# Save recycling proportion and smoothing
self.smoothing = smoothing
self.min_smoothing = min_smoothing
self.rec_prop = rec_prop
self.method = method
# Make sure init_S is a numpy array
if init_S is None:
# If nothing provided, default to equicorrelated
scale = min(1, 2 * utilities.calc_mineig(Sigma))
init_S = scale * np.eye(self.p)
elif isinstance(init_S, list):
# Check for correct number of blocks
num_blocks = len(init_S)
num_groups = np.unique(groups).shape[0]
if num_blocks != num_groups:
raise ValueError(
f"Length of init_S {num_blocks} doesn't agree with num groups {num_groups}"
init_S = sp.linalg.block_diag(*init_S)
# Find a good initial scaling
best_gamma = 1
best_loss = np.inf
if method == "mvr":
objective = mrc.mvr_loss
objective = mrc.maxent_loss
for gamma in GAMMA_VALS:
loss = objective(Sigma=Sigma, S=(1 - self.rec_prop) * gamma * init_S,)
if loss >= 0 and loss < best_loss:
best_gamma = gamma
best_loss = loss
init_S = best_gamma * init_S
# Create new blocks
blocks = utilities.blockdiag_to_blocks(init_S, groups)
# Torch-ify and take sqrt
blocks = [torch.from_numpy(block) for block in blocks]
blocks = [torch.linalg.cholesky(block) for block in blocks]
# Save
self.blocks = [nn.Parameter(block.float()) for block in blocks]
# Register the blocks as parameters
for i, block in enumerate(self.blocks):
self.register_parameter(f"block{i}", block)
self.scale_sqrt_S(tol=1e-5, num_iter=10)
[docs] def update_sqrt_S(self):
""" Updates sqrt_S using the block parameters """
self.sqrt_S = block_diag_sparse(*self.blocks)
[docs] def pull_S(self):
""" Returns the S matrix """
S = torch.mm(self.sqrt_S.t(), self.sqrt_S)
return S
[docs] def forward(self, smoothing=None):
""" Calculates trace of inverse grahm feature-knockoff matrix"""
# TODO: This certainly works and is more efficient in a forward
# pass than taking the eigenvalues of both S and 2*Sigma - S.
# But perhaps the dot product makes the backprop less efficient?
# Infer smoothing
if smoothing is None:
smoothing = self.smoothing
# Create schurr complement
S = self.pull_S()
S = (1 - self.rec_prop) * S # Account for recycling calcing loss
diff = self.Sigma - S
G_schurr = self.Sigma - torch.mm(torch.mm(diff, self.invSigma), diff)
# Take eigenvalues
eigvals = torch.linalg.eigvalsh(
G_schurr, UPLO="U"
if self.method == "mvr":
inv_eigs = 1 / (smoothing + eigvals)
elif self.method == "maxent":
inv_eigs = torch.log(
1 / torch.max((smoothing + eigvals), torch.tensor(smoothing).float()),
return inv_eigs.sum()
[docs] def scale_sqrt_S(self, tol, num_iter):
""" Scales sqrt_S such that 2 Sigma - S is PSD."""
# No gradients
with torch.no_grad():
# This shift only applies for
for block in self.blocks:
if block.data.shape[0] == 1:
block.data = torch.max(torch.tensor(tol).float(), block.data)
# Construct S
S = self.pull_S()
# Find optimal scaling
_, gamma = utilities.scale_until_PSD(
self.Sigma.numpy(), S.numpy(), tol=tol, num_iter=num_iter
# Scale blocks
for block in self.blocks:
block.data = np.sqrt(gamma) * block.data
[docs] def project(self, **kwargs):
""" Project by scaling sqrt_S """
[docs]class PSGDSolver:
Projected gradient descent to solve for MRC knockoffs.
This will work for non-convex loss objectives as well,
although it's a heuristic optimization method.
:param Sigma: p x p numpy array, the correlation matrix
:param groups: p-length numpy array specifying groups
:param losscalc: A pytorch class wrapping nn.module
which contains the following methods:
- .forward() which calculates the loss based on the
internally stored S matrix.
- .project() which ensures that both the internally-stored
S matrix as well as (2*Sigma - S) are PSD.
- .pull_S(), which returns the internally-stored S matrix.
If None, creates a MVRLoss class.
:param lr: Initial learning rate (default 1e-2)
:param verbose: if true, reports progress
:param max_epochs: Maximum number of epochs in SGD
:param tol: Mimimum eigenvalue allowed for PSD matrices
:param line_search_iter: Number of line searches to do
when scaling sqrt_S.
:param convergence_tol: After each projection, we calculate
improvement = 2/3 * ||prev_opt_S - opt_S||_1 + 1/3 * (improvement)
When improvement < convergence_tol, we return.
:param kwargs: Passed to MVRLoss
def __init__(
# Add Sigma
self.p = Sigma.shape[0]
self.Sigma = Sigma
self.groups = groups
self.opt_S = None # Output initialization
self.opt_loss = np.inf
# Save parameters for optimization
self.lr = lr
self.verbose = verbose
self.max_epochs = max_epochs
self.tol = tol
self.line_search_iter = line_search_iter
self.convergence_tol = convergence_tol
# Sort by groups for ease of computation
inds, inv_inds = utilities.permute_matrix_by_groups(groups)
self.inds = inds
self.inv_inds = inv_inds
self.sorted_Sigma = self.Sigma[inds][:, inds]
self.sorted_groups = self.groups[inds]
# Loss calculator
if losscalc is not None:
self.losscalc = losscalc
self.losscalc = MVRLoss(
Sigma=self.sorted_Sigma, groups=self.sorted_groups, **kwargs
# Initialize cache of optimal S
with torch.no_grad():
init_loss = self.losscalc(smoothing=0)
if init_loss < 0:
init_loss = np.inf
# Initialize attributes which save losses over time
self.all_losses = []
self.projected_losses = []
self.improvements = []
def cache_S(self, new_loss):
# Cache optimal solution
with torch.no_grad():
self.prev_opt_S = self.opt_S
self.prev_opt_loss = self.opt_loss
self.opt_loss = new_loss
self.opt_S = self.losscalc.pull_S().clone().detach().numpy()
[docs] def optimize(self):
See __init__ for arguments.
# Optimizer
params = list(self.losscalc.parameters())
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(params, lr=self.lr)
improvement = self.convergence_tol + 10
for j in range(self.max_epochs):
# Step 1: Calculate loss (trace of feature-knockoff precision)
loss = self.losscalc()
if np.isnan(loss.detach().item()):
warnings.warn(f"Loss of {self.losscalc.method} solver is NaN")
# Step 2: Step along the graient
# Step 3: Reproject to be PSD
if j % 3 == 0 or j == self.max_epochs - 1:
self.losscalc.project(tol=self.tol, num_iter=self.line_search_iter)
# If this is optimal after reprojecting, save
with torch.no_grad():
new_loss = self.losscalc(smoothing=0)
if new_loss < self.opt_loss and new_loss >= 0:
self.prev_opt_S = self.opt_S
self.prev_opt_loss = self.opt_loss
# Cache projected loss
# Calculate improvement
if j != 0 and j % 10 == 0:
diff = self.prev_opt_loss - self.opt_loss
l1diff = np.abs(self.opt_S - self.prev_opt_S).sum()
improvement = 2 * (diff) / 3 + improvement / 3
if self.verbose:
f"L1 diff is {l1diff}, loss diff={diff}, improvement is {improvement}, best loss is {self.opt_loss} at iter {j}"
# Break if improvement is small
if improvement < self.convergence_tol and j % 10 == 0:
if self.losscalc.smoothing > self.losscalc.min_smoothing:
improvement = 1 + convergence_tol # Reset
self.losscalc.smoothing = max(
self.losscalc.min_smoothing, self.losscalc.smoothing / 10
if self.verbose:
f"Nearing convergence, reducing smoothing to {self.losscalc.smoothing} \n"
elif self.verbose:
print(f"Converged at iteration {j}")
# Shift, scale, and return
sorted_S = self.opt_S
S = sorted_S[self.inv_inds][:, self.inv_inds]
S = utilities.shift_until_PSD(S, tol=self.tol)
S, _ = utilities.scale_until_PSD(
self.Sigma, S, tol=self.tol, num_iter=self.line_search_iter
return S
[docs]def solve_mrc_psgd(
Sigma, groups=None, method="mvr", **kwargs,
Wraps the PSGDSolver class.
:param Sigma: Covariance matrix
:param groups: groups for group knockoffs
:param method: MRC loss (mvr or maxent)
:param init_kwargs: kwargs to pass to
:param optimize_kwargs: kwargs to pass
to optimizer method.
:returns: opt_S
solver = PSGDSolver(Sigma=Sigma, groups=groups, method=method, **kwargs)
opt_S = solver.optimize()
return opt_S